Chocolate Alchemy

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Ocumare - Out of Stock

The Ocumare Criollo has been selling so well that we have been having trouble keeping enough in. We will probably be out for about a month, but it is hard to tell. Now, that does not mean we are out of Cocoa beans, or even good Cocoa beans. If you are getting some for snacking, I really like the Carenero Superior. I have mentioned this before, but they are not the prettiest beans, but they are clean and have a nice bright friutiness. They also have a great complex flavor after lightly roasting them.

For making chocolate, the Carenero is great, but can be a little delicate to work with if it is your first time. The Ghana on the other hand is very forgiving and rewards your efforts with a great deep chocolate flavor, with hints of dry leather and a touch of vanilla. It is good for snacking, but being a smaller cocoa bean, it is a little difficult to peel.