Chocolate Alchemy

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New Items soon

I have been getting this question a lot lately, so I though I would address it.  The new Melangers (Spectra 10 - previously the Santha Wet Grinder) should land by the end of the month and be available shortly after.  I am not taking pre-orders.  There will be plenty.  Also coming in this shipment are some larger units - Spectra 20's and 40's that are capable of 20 and 40 lbs of chocolate. The 40's are already all sold, but there will be a few 20's available.  Those I AM taking pre-orders on.  With shipping (in the USA) they will be $1000.  You won't currently find them on the site - if you have an interest in them, send me an email and we will get your name on one. Also coming back is the Tabasco cocoa beans.  Demand was greater than anticipated, and we sold out quickly.  Look for them this weekend.

On a similar note, the Dominican Republic "Conacado" will be back with a twist.  We have two lots you can choose from.  The original lot from a few months ago was 2033.  We have that one, plus a new one that I found to have a little more chocolate flavor.  There is only a little, so if you want to see side by side what difference fermentation can make, now is your chance.  It is rather a rare opportunity.

Oh, and it is not an item, but some people have been asking about profiles for the Behmor for something less than 2-2 1/2 lbs.  After a little experimenting, the following works pretty well for 1 lb.  Set it for 1 lb, P5, and add the maximum amount of time.  This will stretch out the profile.  Start the roast and then reduce the time to 16 minutes.  This will pull the total roasting time back without affecting the shape of the profile. It is still a little faster than 2 lbs, but not bad.  If they smell done or start popping before 16 minutes, by all means stop the roast.  But overall I think you will find it does pretty well.