Chocolate Alchemy

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Gamma Knife

I want to thank everyone for all the emails, comments, notes of support and complete understanding of our situation here.  It is appreciated more than words can say.  Penelope is doing well.We have been away for 2+ days now at the Gamma knife Center for treatment.  The actual treatment was very short and all went according to plan, so we are very positive and happy about that.  The treatment with the Gamma Knife was amazing.  Alchemy in it's own way.  The people there were even more amazing with their care and real caring.

I don't see myself getting to any orders until this weekend.  I need to tie up loose ends, get everything in order, etc.  If all goes right everything should be shipped Monday.  Right now I know a few of you have UPS notifications but  that is all.  All this means is that I was able to process the order, create the label, and get it on the packing bench.  Normally that all happens in one day, but in this case, you can see it didn't and they remain on the bench.

Again, thank you for your understanding.  Hopefully something resembling normalcy will return soon.