Chocolate Alchemy

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I've added an additional variation to the Venezuelan Sampler Packs - there is now a 4 lb version, giving you a full pound of each bean to experience, and it's discounted 30% off the base price.  Almost every week I get asked if milk chocolate can be made with fresh milk and I always have to answer no.  We now have in Organic Whole milk powder which is how it is done.  This milk powder has been spray dried which I found gave more of a full milk flavor and very little boiled milk flavor. And there are two up coming items.  I am going to be dropping the price (around 30%) of all the beans at the 25 lb level.  It should put them very close to wholesale bag price.  Very simply, I want you experimenting, playing, enjoying etc, without as many worries about price and rationing and this is something I can do to assist in that.

Finally, I know a lot of you out there would like to make the jump (or even small hop) to production, be it just a small farmers market, or something a little more ambitious.  I know there is a hurdle in both roasting and winnowing larger amounts.  I am working steadily on the winnower (the current focus is a new Cocoa mill which is just now going from prototype to beta version), but until that time, and maybe after, I will be offering all origins as freshly roasted nibs in wholesale quantities.  To me, freshness is a significant part of what makes homemade (or Artisan made) chocolate so special.  So I won't be keeping bags of stale roasted nibs around.  I will be roasting and winnowing them to order.  That will mean a longer turnaround time (7-14 days) at first, but a set schedule will be available also if you desire 30 lbs (for instance) every week or month.  Until I work out all the details, just send me a note (email address is in the Contact link) and I would be  happy to talk it over and get something moving for you.  My goal in this is to make you successful at your endeavors.