Chocolate Alchemy

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Order Status

I've added in a small new feature to the Retail and Wholesale shops - Order status.  It's on the left side at the bottom.  In some ways, it won't give you a lot more than you already have via email, but is kind of handy when emails get mis-placed.  Basically, just put in your order number (making certain you are in the right section - Retail order numbers won't work on the Wholesale side) and the email address you order with and you can see the basics of your order.  Right now if you order is closed, you won't see anything - it will act like it can't find your order, and that is due to be changed, but if there is more information you'd like to see, input is welcomed and appreciated. Also, there will be two new beans in soon.  Yet another one from the Dominican Republic.  "La Red" that is organic, beautifully prepared, with lemon and tamarind.  After that will be a much less smokey Papua New Guinea.