Chocolate Alchemy

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Holiday Schedule

With the start of the holiday season orders have approximately doubled and shipping will most likely take an extra day or so from the time of your order.  Please account for this in ordering if you need something by a certain date.  For actual shipping times use this chart as an APPROXIMATE gauge. ups-shipping.JPG

This is valid for both UPS and USPS, but be aware that USPS does NOT guarantee these times and may take longer.

As a rough rule of thumb, this means if you need something shipped to Florida (as a near worst case example), and it needs to arrive by Christmas, you should order 7 working days (5 for transit, 2 to ship) before the 23 rd (the last delivery day) or December 14 th.  And really, December 12th would be better.  Anything past that and you will need to look at faster shipping by UPS (not USPS).

As always, I will do my best to accommodate rush orders, but I suspect to see a LOT of them, and I simply will not be able to fill them all - I am only one person doing all of this.  So, meant in the best possible way, with tongue placed slightly in cheek (but still true)

"Bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part"   - Please plan your orders and shipping accordingly.  Thanks.

In addition, I and my daughter will be taking a much needed break after the 25th and I will be scarce for the week between then and New Years, probably only shipping once or twice that week, most likely Wednesday and Friday (or maybe just Friday). And here is wishing you a lovely holiday season. Alchemist John