Chocolate Alchemy

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Ask the Alchemist #119

Where do you get your Ask the Alchemist questions? Why didn’t you post yesterday?

For the first one:

Ask the alchemist 41

To re-iterate:

You can send it to 

Please try to keep them to specific chocolate related questions. Techniques, theory, understanding. That kind of thing. If you can avoid rhetorical questions (why do I love chocolate?) that would save us all time and energy. Read through some of the previous questions and I think you will see the flavor of question I am after.

And I’ll say again, please keep it chocolate related to one degree or another.

Every so often I will take a composite question from people that just email and need immediate questions.

As to why no post yesterday….my cupboard is bare. I’ve made it through my backlog of questions. So if you are wondering about something and/or like reading these every week, please contribute a question.