Before I jump into ‘da tang’, our Holiday shipping schedule is up. Please check it out. —>

Please remember, bad planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on our part.

Joking - not joking.

This year, #AmIRight?

I’d like to just leave it there, and my #1, has suggested I keep this super brief and to the point….and I’ll try.  Yet.  There are things I want, nay, need to say.

This year, 2020 the sequel, has been challenging.  Supply chains are a mess.  Prices are going up.  Inflation is looming and everyone, their brother, sister, 3rd cousin 4th removed and the guy down the street are doing Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales…..and I don’t know about you, but I’ve lost count how many emails I’ve received about it….and it is just fracking exhausting.  Especially when I get 6 from the same company like I don’t know what the hell they are.

Before I get to what you bloody well know is coming, I just want, scratch that, need to say is that this will be the ONLY email/announcement combo you get from us concerning you know what.

What is it?  Well, you know….but….sure I’m a capitalist but I also am NOT into this just for the money.  In 18 years of business, I have never done a you know what sale….and I still have to snub my nose at it. Therefore, yet again, I’m going to do it my way.  In times past I’ve done an Appreciation thing, and Expansion discount and a HOLYFUCKWHATTHEHELLJUSTHAPPENEDWITH2020IWANTTOHELP whatever it was.

I’m yet again feeling the draw, so, here.

Starting Friday at the strike of midnight through Tuesday strike of midnight (Friday through Monday, ok?) if you use our anti-BFCM anti-inflation code BFCM25 (I really wanted to use aBFCMainflation25 but although I might be crazy, I’m not that crazy nor an asshole) you will get 25% off all edible products in our retail store.  As always, I just can’t do it for equipment as we would literally lose money due to already small margins.  So to make it clean, here is that code again:


This is for the Retail Store  There are no restrictions on how many times you can use it.  Please be patient with our turn around time.  If this year is anything like the previous times, it will take us more than the usual 1-3 days to get your order out after you receive the shipping notification.  We will get everything out as quick as we can but tracking numbers could well take a week before they actually are valid. 

To answer the questions I seem to always get.

No you can’t combine it with any other offer. 

We can’t offer it for Wholesale due to the aforementioned supply chain and cost increases. I’m really sorry.

And damn, it pains me to say it, but if you come back to me an ask me to apply the code to something you just bought a couple days ago…in lieu of getting really annoyed and being an asshole, I in all likelihood will literally just ignore you - including any other questions you might have in that email. You’ve been warned.  I have to draw the line somewhere.

Finally, I don’t want to leave this on a negative note. 

It would seem I am incapable of keeping this short and sweet. (sorry/not sorry Ruzz {my #1 who also does our awesome videos [if we ever get back to them] and has the sexy Canadian accent you hear in some voice over videos} ).

It is why you keep coming back, right?

I sincerely hope everyone is doing ok.  Be kind to your fellow humans.  I hope this whatever the fuck it is helps you and yours out just a little and if you get the chance, please pay it forward.

May peace, love and comfort find you as this year closes out and the new year begins.