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Profile Roasting

Ask the Alchemist #312


Ask the Alchemist #312

Drum roasters are so expensive.  They are only a drum, motor and some heat.  Isn’t there a cheaper alternative?  Couldn’t I roast in a pan like they do where they make the cocoa beans.  Would you tell me how to do that?  Should I use low or medium heat?


Ask the Alchemist #305


Ask the Alchemist #305

Think of this as the start of a FAQ. I also want to note there are some oddly phrased questions below and I’m leaving them as written, not to make fun of anyone as it is pretty obvious they are from folks who do not speak English as their first language and being monolingual myself, I applaud them for writing in. Their English is worlds better than my Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin or Italian.


Ask the Alchemist #301


Ask the Alchemist #301

After last weeks in depth conversation about roasting cocoa in a coffee roaster, I wanted to, nay, needed to take it a little easy this week. There are a bunch of pretty simple questions that don’t really merit a full long winded response but in that there are no stupid questions (that is NOT a challenge folks) I still want to answer them. It also helps clear a little of the back log.


Ask The Alchemist #292.v2

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Ask The Alchemist #292.v2

I wrote an article yesterday. It was kind of a venting rant session for me. Call it therapy. But I started having doubts that I might be just railing at the world and it wasn’t useful or delivered the message I wanted.

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