This reminds me of any number of varietal less dark "dark chocolates" out there that are typical of Trinatario cocoa beans. Nice, fruity and good. This formulation will make about 4 pounds of chocolate.If you decide to adjust the recipe, some of the proportions my need to be recalculated as there are both percentage losses (about 20-25% husk) and gross losses (always 4-6 oz in the Champion) that will need to be accounted for. In general, it is much easier to scale up than down.



  • 1.0 lb Ocumare or other Criollo Cocoa
  • 1.0 lb fruity Trinatario Cocoa
  • 1.0 lb Ghana or Ivory Coast Forastero
  • 8.0 oz Cocoa butter
  • 1/2 t lecithin
  • 30 oz sugar


  • Roast the cocoa beans until just cracking. You can either mix them all together or roast them individually. This mix combines pretty well before roasting. I do this in a drum roaster, 325 F for 15-20 minutes. You might also try 300 for 20-25 minutes if the beans are in nib form. The oven will work well if they are in nibs form.
  • Crack and winnow the beans - you should have about 36 oz of nibs remaining.
  • Grind in your Champion juicer. Go ahead and add your cocoa butter and lecithin at the end, mixed with some of the trace husk you have running back through.
  • Place your Cocoa liqueur in your melanger. Slowly add the 30 oz of sugar into the melted cocoa liqueur while the Melanger is running. I find it quite helpful to pre-heat both the drum and wheels to about 150 F and the sugar. It helps keep the chocolate of thickening up too much. Run the Melanger until the chocolate is of the smoothness you desire. I find 12-16 hours is about right. Your tastes may vary.
  • After it is out of the Melanger temper and mold up your chocolate into the shape of your choice.
  • Place into a cool, dry place to solidify and then unmold, usually about 24 hours later to be safe. This can be done in a refrigerator if you wish.
  • Let the chocolate rest for another 24 hours before eating (well, eat it earlier, but it does benefit from the rest).

